If you are a new Spa owner, figuring out your spa water’s chemistry can feel like a daunting task. There is an overwhelming number of Spa Chemicals that are available to purchase in the industry and figuring out what you need to use and for what reason can become confusing.
Not to worry! We will be laying out a series of blog posts to help you through your journey of understanding your spa chemistry. In this post I’ll go through the step by step process of treating your spa water when you are filling your spa for the first time. Simply follow the steps listed in the infographic below, and you will be a pro at chemicals before you know it!
Treating your water becomes a fairly simple task once you get accustomed to your water balance. Since this is your first time treating your spa water, you will need to set aside approximately 4 hours to ensure your water is properly balanced. We highly recommend letting your spa water circulate for 30 minutes after each chemical addition and retesting to ensure that water is balanced. When balancing, always make sure your Alkalinity is balanced before moving on to your pH, and make sure your pH is balanced before adding your sanitizer. Here are an easy-to-follow video and infographic:

Recommended Chemicals:
Our Starter Chemical kit is a great way to get started for new spa owners. Click HERE to see which other Canadian Spa Company spa chemicals are available.